Friday, May 5, 2017


Hello, friends.  Just a note to say there won't be any cards from me for awhile.  I had a knee replaced on 18 April and last Tuesday, fell and tore open the knee where the stitches were.  Fortunately the new knee was ok, but tore the quad tendon and am in a full leg cast.  Had to have emergency surgery to repair it all - am in the hospital until tomorrow and then will go to a rehab facility for don't know how long.  Since I live alone, I'm pretty helpless when it comes to getting up.  Cast will be on for 4 weeks - a real bummer.  I am good - a little down at times - my kids are coming the end of the month to help me celebrate my birthday (even my son from England and my granddaughter) so have that to look forward to.  So I guess you'll see me when you see me.  All for now.  Betty